Virbac Animal Health India Private Limited
The Companies Act, 2013 has introduced the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) recently but your Company is voluntarily following it since last so many years during natural calamities etc. Virbac S.A., parent holding Company is also an early adopter of CSR activities in France. Our Company believes the policy which is more and more beneficial to the society at large by promoting and encouraging health, economic and social development and also giving active support to local initiatives around its area of operation thereby promoting upliftment of people in varied arenas of life.
In pursuant to the Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 (hereinafter refer as “the Act”) read with the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rule, 2014, the Company which fulfills the criteria specified in the Act, is require to adopt the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy in the organization to add sense of responsibility and contribution among corporate which is expected to be Beneficial to different class of people such as children, women, uneducated, unemployed etc. towards which such CSR activities may be focused.
Produced here below is the “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy” to contribute more and more to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate. In so doing build a better, sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society and raise the country's human development index.
Virbac India CSR Policy intends to:
Strive to facilitate senior citizens, setting up of homes for isolated old aged persons, women and orphans and to improve their quality of life, economic development that positively impacts the society at large with minimal resource footprint
Embrace responsibility for the Company’s actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on hunger, poverty, malnutrition, environment, communities, stakeholders and the society.
CSR Policy relates to the activities to be undertaken by the Company as specified in Schedule VII to the Act and the expenditure thereon, excluding activities undertaken in pursuance of normal course of business of a company). The details of the activities which the Company can undertake are mentioned here below.
The activities that can be undertaken by a company to fulfil its CSR obligations are mentioned here below:
Following activities shall not be considered under the CSR activities.
a) Activities that benefit only the employees of the Company and their families.
b) Contribution of any amount to any political party.
c) Activities undertaken outside India.
Virbac will undertake its CSR activities, approved by the CSR Committee, through directly by the Company or such other entity/organization/NGO as approved by the CSR Committee.
The surplus arising out of the CSR activities, projects or programs shall not form part of the business profit of the Company.
The CSR committee will decide on the locations for CSR activities