A parasite is an organism living on (ectoparasite) or in (endoparasite) another organism called host, at the expense of which it feeds. Parasitoses caused by these parasites are synonymous with loss of income for the farmer, because of the physiological disturbances they cause.
The main ectoparasites encountered in cattle are flies, lice, scabies, and ticks.
Flies: well known to breeders, only a thorough hygiene can limit invasions in summer.
Lice: we distinguish biting lice and grinding lice. Lice cause dermatitis, usually during the winter.
Scabies: it is due to mites. Psoroptic mange, sarcoptic mange and chorioptic mange are distinguished in cattle.
Ticks: they are vectors of serious diseases.
Grazing cattle are affected by 4 major parasites:
Whereas in the case of digestive strongyles, immunity is possible in adult animals, provided that the management of the first years of grazing is satisfactory, the animals do not immunize against the common fluke and paramphistomes, and little against respiratory strongyles.