LIXEN® Powder helps in preventing mortality and Fast acting antibiotic with higher Safety & Efficacy. It helps in Lower protein binding (10-15%). Achieves peak serum level within 1 hour. Lixen is a first generation B-lactam cephalosporin group of antibiotic. It is a semi-synthetic derivative of naturally occurring “Cephalosporin - C”.
RECOMMENDED for Doctors, Hospital and Medical Practitioners
Cephalexin has been a complete major advance in cephalosporin. Lixen is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of activity with rapid & complete absorption, low degree of protein binding, high concentration in body fluids & tissues & high peak serum levels.
It is water soluble & acid stable available as monohydrate.
Features Facts
- Acid stable, not destroyed in the stomach
- Absorption: Well absorbed from the GI Tract, food does not interfere with absorption. Bioavailability is between 74-90%. It penetrates well into pleural, synovial, pericardial fluid and into most tissue spaces.
- Serum protein binding: Less than 10-15%% (binding is reversible)
- Blood serum level: Achieves peak serum level fast within an hour.
- Excretion: 80-90% primarily through kidneys (i.e through urine) in 24 hours, mostly in the first 6 hours.
- Safety: It is safe during pregnancy.
Each gram contains Cephalexin IP equivalent to anhydrous Cephalexin 75 mg
For Treatment of Diseases e.g. Coryza, Fowl Cholera, Salmonella, Bacillary White Diarrhoea, E.Coli,
Gangrenous Dermatitis and to combat early chick mortality due to bacterial infections.
Dose ( 3-5 days in drinking water )
35-50 mg of Cephalexin per kg body weight through drinking water i.e. for 30-40 kg body weight one sachet (20 g) through drinking water
Chicks : In Brooding phase to treat E.Coli infection
20 mg / kg body weight OR 20 g sachet daily for 1000 birds OR 0.5 g / 1 L of water
In other infections : 20 g sachet daily for 500 birds
Growers : 20 g sachet daily for 40 birds
Finishers / Layers : 20 g sachet daily for 25 birds
Store protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 30ºC.
A box of 10 Sachets of 20 g each and a packet of 300 g plastic containers.