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How Often Should You Deworm Your Cat?

A Vet's Advice on Establishing a Cat Deworming Schedule

Deworming your cat is not just about keeping your furry friend healthy; it is also a critical public health issue. The parasites that can infest your cat's digestive tract pose a potential threat to human health too. A common question that arises is the cat deworming frequency. Wondering about the ideal cat deworming schedule? Read on to understand the cat deworm frequency, kitten deworming schedule, types of worms, and the benefits of regular deworming.

Why Deworming is Essential

Cats can catch worms by consuming prey such as rats, birds, etc. that contain parasites themselves or ingesting the eggs of parasites whilst grooming themselves. The symptoms of worm infestations can vary, and it is crucial to be vigilant, as some infected cats may not show any signs. Common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, weight loss, swollen belly, dull coat, increased appetite (in the initial stages, to compensate for the nutrients being consumed by the intestinal parasites), and anaemia.

Types of Worms and Their Transmission

Various parasitic worms threaten the health of cats. Roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms are some of the most common types. Transmission occurs through contact with contaminated soil or faeces, ingestion of contaminated soil, or through intermediate hosts like fleas whilst grooming. Kittens are particularly susceptible to roundworms that can be passed on from their infected lactating mother via the milk. Additionally, hookworms pose a risk by attaching to the lining of the small intestine, causing substantial blood loss and anaemia.

Deworming Indoor Cats

Contrary to popular belief, even indoor cats need a cat deworming schedule. Fleas carrying tapeworms can find their way into homes through various means, such as on clothing, bags, other pets, or visitors. Regular flea preventive treatments, recommended by your vet, can reduce the risk of tapeworm infestations in indoor cats.

Benefits of Deworming Your Cat

Establishing a cat deworming schedule chart for your cat offers several benefits:

  1. Keeps your cat healthy: Internal parasites feed on your cat's blood, depriving your cat of vital nutrients, leading to weight loss, poor appetite, diarrhoea and weakness in advanced stages of infection. Severe infections can result in anaemia or a pot - bellied appearance.
  2. Prevents reinfection: Dewormers paralyze and kill existing worms, but periodical preventative measures are necessary to remove any new worms your cat may pick up.
  3. Protect yourself and your loved ones: Certain worms can be transmitted from cats to humans, posing risks to organs and eyes. Deworming your cat reduces the chances of your family encountering intestinal worms.

How Often to Deworm Your Cat

Deworming is a regular process, and the cat deworming schedule can depend on your cat's age and activities. Kittens are more vulnerable and should follow a specific kitten deworming schedule, starting at the age of 2 weeks and until 6 months of age, should be dewormed every month. Generally, all cats should be treated at least four times a year, with no more than three months between each treatment. Outdoor cats, exposed to infected animals or environments, or those that hunt prey may require more frequent deworming than indoor cats, such as once every 1 - 2 months.


Cats make wonderful companions, but their health needs careful attention. Deworming is a crucial aspect of their care, not only for their well-being but also for public health. Consult with your vet to establish a cat deworming schedule tailored to your cat's needs. Regular deworming not only keeps your pet healthy but also safeguards your family from potential health risks. Remember, maintaining your cat's health is a shared responsibility that benefits both your feline friend and your household.