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Kitten’s nutrition and growth: What is the impact of neutering on my kitten’s diet?

Neutering and bodyweight control

Sterilization is a significant risk factor for excess weight: neutered cats are around 4 times more likely to be overweight than intact cats.

  • Early versus conventional neutering?

Neutering is generally performed around 5-6 months in female cats and before 9 months in male cats.

  • Prepubertal sterilization influences the feeding behavior

Following neutering, kittens’ appetite increases, and the diet has to be modified in order to control the evolution of the BW.

Caloric intake must be restricted after neutering

After neutering, kittens tend to eat more than their entire littermates. Food intake peaks about 10 weeks after neutering and kittens grow significantly fatter. At 1 year-old, if nothing has been done to restrict their caloric intake, neutered kittens can be 25 % heavier than entire littermates!

Beware of overestimating the energy requirement

A close control on energy intake becomes necessary immediately after the surgery. Daily energy intake should be decreased by minimum 20% after spaying to prevent excess weight gain.

Kittens' foods are accompanied by indications on the quantities to be distributed according to their age and weight, but these rationing tables are sometimes based on an evaluation of the energy requirement which does not take into account the decrease due to sterilization.

Be careful to follow the evolution of the kitten's weight and silhouette: ideally, you can easily feel ribs when pressing your fingers on the rib cage because there is a slight fat covering. The waist can be seen behind the ribs, but not pronounced. Abdominal fat pad is minimal. 

Choose a low-energy high-protein diet for a neutered kitten

After neutering, dietary restriction of a regular kitten food is not a good solution: it is a better solution to switch to a specific diet for neutered kittens. This dedicated diet has a lower energy content. 

Proteins are essential for growth. After neutering, proteins are even of greater importance since they promote the development of lean mass at the expense of fat mass. Thus, protein can help control Body Weight and Body Composition in kittens.

If you control your kitten's diet until he is fully grown, especially after he has been spayed or neutered, he should reach his ideal Body Weight around one year of age. Keep track of this Body Weight, which will serve as a reference for the rest of his life. Continue to follow the evolution of the Body Weight and of the Body Composition later: the greatest increase in the rate of overweight occurs during the second year of life.

Choose a high-protein diet for a neutered kitten

Proteins are essential for growth. After neutering, proteins are even of greater importance since they promote the development of lean mass at the expense of fat mass. Thus, protein can help control Body Weight and Body Composition in kittens.

If you control your kitten's diet until he is fully grown, especially after he has been spayed or neutered, he should reach his ideal Body Weight around one year of age. Keep track of this Body Weight, which will serve as a reference for the rest of his life. Continue to follow the evolution of the Body Weight and of the Body Composition later: the greatest increase in the rate of overweight occurs during the second year of life.