The protein content and vitamin E, a natural antioxidant, help maintain a strong immune system.
Puppies from small breeds have intense requirements, especially in terms of energy, proteins and minerals, for healthy growth over a short period. They also have a delicate digestive system and an immature immune system. VETERINARY HPM® responds to your small breed puppy’s specific needs. This product is also suitable for pregnant/lactating small breed bitches.
Available sizes:
Nutrion for carnivorious paragraph
more than 6 vets out of 10 recommend our food
(source: GIE AC 2020 survey, 1519 responses)
on average, our food is rated above 4/5
(source: * conso animo, shopmium, que choisir and 60 millions conso)
94% acceptance for medium and large dogs, 92% for small and very small dogs and 84% for cats