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Decoding Your Cat's Behaviour

Decoding Your Cat's Behaviour: A Guide to Understanding Feline Communication

Ever wished for a decoder to understand your cat's behaviour? Your feline friend communicates through various body language cues, from kneading to purring. Each action serves as a clue to their ever-changing mood. Welcome to the world of decoding cat behaviour, where understanding these cues becomes a key to providing your feline companion with precisely what they need—be it space, playtime, or a delectable meal.

Showing Its Belly

When your cat stretches out and exposes its belly, it's a gesture of trust. However, the invitation to pet their belly isn't always straightforward. A sudden bite or scratch might follow, indicating that the gesture was more about communication than an invitation for affection. Understanding this subtle form of trust and cat behaviour can deepen the bond between you and your feline friend.

Wagging its Tail

Contrary to a dog's joyful wag, a cat's tail wagging can signal heightened excitement, annoyance, or frustration. It is a warning sign, suggesting that you should pause and reassess the situation. The tip of the tail may indicate readiness to pounce, whether on a favourite toy or, unfortunately, your leg. Decoding the tail language is crucial for understanding your cat's emotional state.


Purring is a universal language among cats, but understanding why they purr is like unlocking a secret code. While cats often purr when relaxed, it can also be a sign of self-soothing in stressful situations or injury. Kittens, guided by the vibrations of their mother's purr, find their way to nursing. Cats use purring to socialize with other felines and communicate with their human companions. It is a versatile tool in the feline communication toolkit, revealing a spectrum of emotions.


Cats are renowned for their love of napping through the day, whilst being playful and active through the night, a trait rooted in their evolutionary past. Though domestic cats don't need to hunt for survival, the genetic predisposition to conserve energy remains. As cats have adapted to our ways of life, we often catch napping through the day and more-than-happy to curl by our sides and sleep through the night as well.   Ensure your home has ample of cozy, secure resting places for them to do so. Also between napping and eating, our home cats have little much to do, hence it is important to channelize their energy by engaging them in play.

Scratching Furniture

Scratching is a natural and necessary cat behaviour. It helps them maintain their claws, mark their territory, release energy, and simply have fun. Redirecting this cat behaviour with designated scratching posts, cat towers, or cat-proof furniture can preserve your belongings while satisfying your cat's instincts.


When your cat rubs against you or objects in your home, they are marking their territory. This cat behaviour involves depositing unique identifying odours from scent glands on their face. By rubbing against you, your cat is affirming that you are part of their family, creating a bond built on trust and familiarity.


Thrills are another form of feline communication that is indicative of greeting and propagating friendly interactions with other cats and is directed at humans as well. Thrills occur often alongside meows. Thrills clearly tell you how content your cat is in your presence.


This vocal behaviour is commonly seen when a cat spots a prey that it cannot access. You may often notice your cat sitting on a closed window perch, staring out fixedly. A chatter is often what follows with its whiskers quivering in rapid succession.  A chatter is a frustrated vocalisation of a cat, expressing frustration at not being able to chase after its prey. This is why a chatter is often referred to as a “Thwarted meow”.

Rising Early

Cats are notorious for their early morning zoomies, a behaviour deeply ingrained in their nature. While it may clash with your sleep schedule, understanding their natural rhythm and implementing strategies like blackout shades or strict feeding times can help manage their early wake-up calls.

Licking or Allo-grooming

When your cat licks you, they are expressing care and affection, creating a special social bond. This cat behaviour mirrors the grooming and affectionate interactions between a mother cat and her kittens and is also exhibited by adult cats that share a friendly bond.

Understanding your cat's behaviour is a continuous process of decoding their subtle signals and responding appropriately. By delving into the intricacies of feline communication, you can build a stronger connection with your furry companion and create a harmonious living environment for both of you.Top of Form